Peaceful Prosperity



Hear from women who participated in the Peaceful Prosperity workshop series:

Down-to-Earth Advice

I was surprised by how down to earth the advice was. This wasn’t a slog through 401(k) and capital gains and money market accounts; instead we focused on what has gotten us to where we are financially today: what we learned about money as we grew up, what our assets and liabilities are, and how to get started with a simple budget. It may seem silly to talk about feelings when it comes to finances, but Laura taught me that the two are inextricably linked — and we can’t be successful financially until we know how and why we make the financial decisions we make.
– Amy P.

Fascinating and Thought-Provoking

I expected to get tips on how to be more responsible with money and how to make wiser financial decisions. Instead, first, Laura helped me understand my relationship with money. I learned that my attitudes and beliefs and values had been guiding the decisions I had been making for years. Fascinating thought-provoking stuff (light bulb moments). Most importantly, Laura allowed me to go from a place of denial to a place of facing responsibility because the workshop provided a safe and supportive environment to take those first steps. Thank you so much for creating this outstanding course. I loved it.
– Amy S.

A Fresh Perspective

This was a fresh perspective on a rather dry and vulnerable topic. Laura led us through revealing exercises to help us understand the underlying behavior driving our financial decisions. It was a safe place for participants to share feelings and ideas. I appreciated the “reframing.”
– Lesa

Bridging the Gap

The course bridges the gap between how you feel about money and creating a plan to be prosperous.